English, Math, Nepali, and Social Studies Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level (Basic) - TSC
Teachers service commission (TSC), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur published the curriculum of Mathematics, Nepali, English, and Social Studies of Lower Secondary (Basic) Level. Please download the curriculum on PDF file from the following link:
Government of Nepal, Teachers' Service Commission:
Lower Secondary Level Curriculum of Subjective Exam -2076
Subject: English
Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs
Section: A
Unit 1: Language Teaching Approaches, Methods, and Strategies
- Historical approaches
- Communicative approaches
- Task-based language teaching
- Context-based language teaching, content and language integrated learning
- Different methods and their applications in language teaching
Unit 2: Teaching Language Functions and Skills
- Basic communicative functions in English
- Language functions and structure (strategies, issues, and challenges)
- Teaching pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary
- Teaching receptive skills (listening and reading)
- Teaching productive skills (speaking and written)
Unit 3: ICT in English Language Teaching (ELT)
- Concept, importance, and implication
- Modes and source of materials
- Searching, designing add organizing materials
- Basic skills of ICT for English language teacher
- Opportunity and challenge in managing ICT in ELT
Unit 4: English Language Teacher Professional Development
- Defining teacher professional development and teacher competencies
- Skills of language games and motivation in English language teaching
- Constructing, designing and using materials for English language teaching
- Action research and writing reports
- Opportunity to enhance continuous professional development (CPD)
Unit 5: Overview of English Language Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level
- English Curriculum, Textbooks and Teachers guide of grade 6 -8
- Use of supplementary materials (dictionary, grammar books, newspapers, chants)
- Assessment schemes in English language learning, specification grid and designing good tests
- Error analysis and correction of an error
- Soft skill incorporated in English Curriculum
Section: B
Unit 6: Basics of Grammar
- Major word class: Noun, Verb, Adjective, and Adverb
- Minor Word Class: Preposition, conjunction, articles, interjection, and determiners
- Tense, aspect, voice and mood
- Sentences and transformation
- Reported speech
Unit 7: Reading and Writing in English
- Reading for comprehension and reading habit
- Essentials in the reading and writing process
- Writing stories and essays
- Writing letters and emails
Unit 8: Language and Linguistics
- Definition, characteristics, and varieties of language
- Approaches of language
- English Sound system and comparison between Nepali and English sound system
- The basic concept of linguistics
- Pedagogical implications of linguistics
Unit 9: Literature in English Language Teaching (ELT) Classroom
- Historical Survey of English literature
- Engaging students in literature
- Reading strategies for literature
- Classification of literary genres
- The language of literature
Unit 10: English Language Classroom Management, Issues, and Challenges
- Multilingualism and diversity management in ELT classroom
- Subject committee and implication in improving
- Creating motivation in the English language classroom
- Lesson Planning and time management
- Teaching English in diverse circumstances
Specification Grid
Subject: English Level: Lower Secondary
Units |
Contents |
Questions |
Marks |
Section A |
1 |
Language Teaching Approaches, Methods, and Strategies |
1 |
10 |
2 |
Teaching Language Functions and Skills |
1 |
10 |
3 |
ICT in English Language Teaching |
1 |
10 |
4 |
English Language Teacher Professional Development |
1 |
10 |
5 |
Overview of the English Language Curriculum of Lower Secondary Level |
1 |
10 |
Section B |
6 |
Basics of Grammar |
1 |
10 |
7 |
Reading and Writing in English |
1 |
10 |
8 |
Language and Linguistics |
1 |
10 |
9 |
Literature in ELT Classroom |
1 |
10 |
10 |
English Language Classroom Management, Issues, and Challenges |
1 |
10 |
Total |
10 |
100 |
- This curriculum is divided into sections A & Section
- Generally from section A, questions will be asked related to
- From section, B questions will be asked covering cognitive
- Separate answer sheets will be used for each
- This curriculum will be effective from 2077/02 / 30
Government of Nepal, Teachers' Service Commission (TSC)
Lower Secondary Level Curriculum of Subjective Exam -2076
Subject: Mathematics
Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hrs
Section: A
Unit One: Mathematics Instructional Pedagogy
- Analytical study of basic level (grade 6-8) mathematics curriculum
- Use of learning theories in mathematics teaching (Piaget's theory, Bruner's theory, Robert Gagne's theory)
- Instructional materials and teaching methods for teaching basic level (grade 6-8) mathematics
- Instructional planning and classroom management
- Student assessment
Unit Two: Teaching Arithmetic and Mensuration
- Real numbers, fraction, decimal, and percentage
- Ratio and proportion
- Profit and loss, unitary method and simple interest
- Perimeter and area of plane figures (triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles)
- Introduction of face, edge, and vertex of solid objects, the volume of cube and cuboids, cylinder and cone
Unit Three: Teaching Algebra
- Introduction and classification of algebraic expression and polynomials, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of algebraic expression
- Factorization, highest common factor, lowest common multiples and indices
- Simplification of rational algebraic expressions
- The solution of equations in one variable, solution of inequalities in one variable and solutions of simultaneous equations in two variables by graphical method
3.5 Introduction to quadratic equations and solution of quadratic equations by factorization method
Unit Four: Teaching Geometry
- Lines and angles (intersecting lines, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, construction of parallel and perpendicular lines, classification and construction of angles, different pairs of angles with experimental verification of their relationship)
- Triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons (classification and properties), construction of triangles, quadrilaterals (rectangle, square, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezoid)
- Congruency and similarity of triangles
- Coordinates in the graph, Pythagoras theorem, and distance between two points
- Transformation (reflection, translation, and rotation), symmetry and tessellation
Unit Five: Teaching Set and Statistics
- Introduction of sets, types of sets and subsets
- Set operations
- Words problems using Venn diagram
- Frequency distribution and graphical representation (bar graphs, line graphs, and pie-chart) of data
- Mean, median, mode and
Section - B:
Unit Six: Number system, Logics and Linear Programming
- Characteristics of different numeration systems and bases other than ten (binary, quinary, octal and hexadecimal), real and complex number
- Symbolic logic (v, á´§, -, truth table, basic laws)
- Counting system: Permutation and combination, sequence, series, and the principle of mathematical
- Linear programming: introduction, solution of linear programming problem (graphical method and simplex method)
Unit Seven: Algebra and Binomial Expansions
- Relations and functions, binary operation and group
- Matrix and its inverse, determinants and its
- System of linear equations and their solutions (matrix method, row equivalent method, Cramer's rule).
- Quadratic equation (relation between roots and coefficients)
- Binomial expansions
Unit Eight: Analytic Geometry
- Distance between two points and section formula
- Equation of straight lines and angle between two lines
- Distance between a point and a line
- Pairs of lines and angle between pairs of line
- Conic sections (classification, general/standard equation, and their parts)
Unit Nine: Euclidean and Transformation Geometry
- Fundamentals of Euclidean geometry: History and development, fundamental properties of Euclidean geometry and axiomatic system
- Euclid's fifth postulates and its substitute
- Theorems on parallel lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles
- Area and volume of the plane and solid figure
- Transformation Geometry: Isometric transformations (reflection, translation and rotation) and non-isometric transformations (enlargement and reduction)
Unit Ten: Statistics and Probability
- Measures of central tendency: Arithmetic mean, weighted mean, combined mean, median and mode
- Measures of dispersion: Range, inter-quartile range, mean deviation, standard deviation and coefficient of
- Measures of correlation and regression
- Probability: Concept and laws of
- Random variable and probability distributions (binomial distribution and Poisson distribution)
Specification Grid
Subject: Mathematics Level: Lower Secondary
Unit |
Contents |
Questions |
Marks |
Section A |
One |
Mathematics Instructional Pedagogy |
1 |
10 |
Two |
Teaching Arithmetic and Mensuration |
1 |
10 |
Three |
Teaching Algebra |
1 |
10 |
Four |
Teaching Geometry |
1 |
10 |
Five |
Teaching Set and Statistics |
1 |
10 |
Section B |
Six |
Number system, Logics and Linear Programming |
1 |
10 |
Seven |
Algebra and Binomial Expansions |
1 |
10 |
Eight |
Analytic Geometry |
1 |
10 |
Nine |
Euclidean and Transformation Geometry |
1 |
10 |
Ten |
Statistics and Probability |
1 |
10 |
Total |
10 |
100 |
- This curriculum is divided into sections A & Section B.
- Generally from section A, questions will be asked related to
- From section, B questions will be asked covering cognitive
- Separate answer sheets will be used for each
- This curriculum will be effective from 2077/02 / 29