Top 10 Common Job Interview Questions and Answers

Article 01 Jan 2019 4391

Top 10 Common Job Interview Questions and Answers

To achieve any job, you have to go through a tour interview. If you are going for a job interview somewhere then you may know that even after having enough qualifications for that job, it is impossible to make your selection if you do not give the correct answers to the questions in the interview. Often, complicated questions are asked to check the confidence of the candidate in interviews. Today, we are going to tell you about the same 10 common entanglement questions and their possible answers asked in the interview. With these questions and answers, you can not only crack the interview but also get the job you want. So let us know about the confusing questions and their answers asked in the interview. 

Top 10 Common Job Interview Questions and Answers:

Question 1: How do you think you are perfect for this job?

What does the employer want to know about the question - through this question, the interviewer wants to know whether the quality that you want for this job is in you or not.

Possible Answer- When answering this question, easily talk about your qualifications. Apart from this, talk about your skills for that job. Do not show aggression while responding to this question, or present your claim for that job, but simply talk about your skills.

Question 2: Tell about your biggest weakness?

What does the employer want to know about the question - this question asks the employer to test your confidence.

Possible answer: Nothing in the world is perfect. Every person has some weaknesses, so do not hide your shortcomings, but tell the front. As you can tell that you are worried about your work more than people or you work slowly so that there are no mistakes. Keep positive feelings while talking about your shortcomings.

Question -3: What are your expectations about this job?

What does the employer want to know after the question? With this question, the employer wants to know what your goal is for the company. Potential

Answer: You can also talk about your personal goal in response to this question or can you tell how this company can fulfill your dreams. Explain how this job can fulfill your needs and wishes.

Question-4: What is your strongest side?

What does the employer want to know about the question - through this question the employer wants to know about your ability to work?

Possible answers- Most people answer the question that they are hardworking and positive etc. But you have to answer here a little differently. You can talk about your abilities, problem-solving skills, decision-making ability, professional experience, and leadership skills.

Question-5: What is your satisfaction in your professional life?

What the employer wants to know behind the question - the employer wants to know your goals behind this question.

Possible answer- Most candidates stay confused when answering this question. Therefore, while answering this question you have to be full of self-confidence and give your answer in the right way. You can tell what you think about this job about the future.

Question-6: Why do you want to quit the previous job?

What does the employer want to know about the question - the employer wants to know that you have no problem with your previous institution. Apart from this, it is also tried to know how your thinking and nature are about others.

Possible answer: When answering this question, you must have a solid area to leave an old company. When answering this question, do not ever talk about the shortcomings of your previous institution or the evils. In response to this question, you can say that you like the new challenge. I'm looking for a new challenge; I want to do this job.

Question-7: What will you do if you are selected?

What the employer wants to know behind the question- The simple point of this question is that the employer wants to ask you how beneficial for you or for this company.

Possible answer: When answering this question, tell about your research about the company, so that they will talk about your thoughts and inclination towards the company. Apart from this, it is also to show that what you can contribute to the company.

Question-8: Tell a reason, why should not you select?

What the employer wants to know about the question - such questions are asked to engage you in order to make the candidate lose his confidence.

Possible answer:  When answering this question, you never mention any of your weaknesses. Rather you can say that because of the salary exposition you should not hire me.

Question 9: The reason for making a career in this field?

What the employer wants to know about the question - through this question, the employer wants to know how honest and serious you are for your career goals.

Possible answer: Do not show any hurriedness in answering this question, but just answer the truth and honestly that why it came in this profession.

Question -10: In addition to this company, which companies are you interviewing?

The employer tries to find out what the employer wants to know about the question - how much interest is there for this company and this post.

Possible answer: In response to this question, you cannot tell at all that you are giving interviews for beans in many companies. This will make the employer feel that you

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