DV 2023 Online Registration Open

Career 08 Oct 2021 13830

DV 2023

The DV lottery is open for the year 2023 (Electronic Diversity Visa Program). The DV lottery can be filled online from 9:45 pm on October 6, 2021. The US State Department's website can be accessed by visiting the US State Government's website and entering documents including original passports and photos.

The DV lottery, which opens on October 6, will be open until 10:15 a.m. on November 9. When filling the DV, name, date of birth, place of birth, passport details, photo, address, phone number, email, and other details should be submitted. A few years ago, it was made mandatory to fill in the passport number while filling the DV. When using a photo DV used in the past or older than 6 months, the chances of getting DV are less. Similarly, when filling in the DV, the married person has to mention all the details of the couple and those who have children have to mention all their details.

The winners of the DV 2023 will be able to obtain a visa by September 30, 2023, and the DV results will be published in May 2022. Those who have participated in the DV lottery in the past will also be able to fill the DV this time.

Learn eDV 2023, DV 2023online form, requirements, closing date, registration, opening date, deadline, online registration, apply for DV lottery 2023, application form, which countries are eligible for DV lottery 2023.

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