How to Remember Anything for Long Time - 6 Easy Tips

Career 16 Jan 2019 1671

How to Remember Anything for Long Time - 6 Easy Tips

How to Remember Anything for a Long Time:

What we remember anything and forget, it all depends on a lot of things. how to remember things quickly; most of the things in our brain are stored in the form of experience, information, and knowledge. For example, if you ask us to tell the names of any five teachers in your school who were more impressed by the teachings of you, then maybe 10 years from today, we will be able to respond very easily, but if someone asks us that the famous scientist When Marie Curie got her first Nobel Prize, it might be a bit difficult to answer when we have read it a lot. So it is clear from what we remember and what things we forget, it all depends on our motivation, consciousness and unconscious desires.

Here today we will talk about some of the elements whose help to remember anything for a long time. the following

Follows 6 tips to remember things quickly:

1. Interest:

Unless we show interest in doing any work, we cannot successfully fulfill it. Likewise, when you try to remember something, show full interest in it, because it also understands the importance of that thing, and it lets its entire functioning to remember that particular thing. You have seen in your own life that when your feelings are involved in something, you always remember it.

For example, every scene, character, and dialogue of your favorite movie is remembered by you without putting any effort. That's because you saw that movie from the entire interstate.

2. Importance:

Whatever is important to you, you can remember it very soon, and it also remains in your mind for a long time. For example, you can get your mobile number, email id, and password, and its different passwords, etc., all remember without repeating it again and again. This is because this information is very important for you.

Similarly, if you are reading what you are reading first, analyze why you are reading this and what is the importance in your life. This will increase your interest in reading that topic and you will be able to remember it easily.

3. Understand:

If you do not understand anything or information, you will not be able to remember it. Because of as long as we cannot understand any subject properly, we are not interested in that subject. Without understanding, we could not even reconcile between the two subjects and we could not find the whole picture.

For example, if a student of the automobile is able to understand how the engine works, then it will be able to remember all the information about the engine well.

4. Imagine:

Whatever you want to remember, take a picture of it in the brain. If you want, you can take it on a photograph. The second part of your brain starts to work even as you can imagine repeating. The more you use the senses, the better you will be in your mind.

For example, when grandparents used to tell a story in childhood, a complete video was going on in our mind, and the story was well remembered by us. Then, if grandparents make some changes in the story, then we used to speed them up.

Therefore, remembering each of your subjects, get a full picture of your mind, your work will be easy.

5. Linking:

If you are missing out on something new, then connect it with some old information that is interesting or important. This will not make you more difficult to remember the new thing. The advantage of connecting new ideas with the previously collected things in the brain is that the information gets better in the brain and later it is easy to remember it again.

For example, if you are recalling Newton's third law of action 'action and reaction', then remember it by adding a famous Hindi word like 'Tasha'. You might never forget this rule again.

6. Meditation and concentration:

To remember anything easily and to keep it in your mind for a long time, these two things are very important. If we talk about our common life, sometimes we forget by putting things caught in more than one working place and then remembering too much because we did this without attitudes was there.

When you are studying, focus your attention on only one task. What happened in school / College today, where do you go on vacation, you will wear your dress at your friend's birthday party, and leave things out of your mind completely. Do not do many different things at the same time; otherwise, you will not get the full benefit of any work.

So you must have known now that if you are unable to remember something for a long time, it does not mean that you have the power to remember or you are not as intelligent as others, but lacking here is the way to learn You may be able to improve the help of the tips mentioned in this article.

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