Bachelor Second Year Exam Center 2076 - Kathmandu Valley and Kavre

Exam 28 Jul 2019 5491

Bachelor Second Year Exam Center 2076 - Kathmandu Valley and Kavre

Tribhuvan University (TU), Office of the Controller of Examination, Balkhu, Kathmandu has published the Bachelor Degree's  (Management, Humanities, Education and Science Faculties) Second year (4 / 3 years) Exam Center of Kathmandu Valley and Kavrepalanchwok District. The BBS, BA, B.Ed., and B.Sc. 2nd (Regular, partial and Private students) - the examination will be conducted from 2076-4-13. The Bachelor Second Year Examination will be conducted from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM in various places of Kathmandu Valley and Kavre district.


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