Bagmati Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Revised Exam Schedule of ANM and AHW:
Province Public Service Commission, Bagmati Province, Hetauda, ââMakwanpur (Examination Operations Branch) notice regarding examination program revision
As per the notification No. 9 / 077-78 of the Commission dated 8th Mangsir, 2077, the following are the posts of the fourth tier of non-technical / technical various services and groups advertised as follows: This notice has been published for the information of all concerned regarding the modification of the pre-scheduled examination program to be conducted on the following date and time.
New Examination Schedule:
Ad No. and Post, Service / Group / Sub-Group | Exam Date and Time |
502 -506 / 077-078 and 741-745 / 077-078 (ANM/ Health / Public Health Nursing / Junior Nursing) | 2077 Falgun 15, 4:00 PM |
509 -511 / 077-078 and 747-751 / 077-078 (AHW/ Health / Health Inspection) | 2077 Falgun 18, 4:00 PM |