B.Ed. and M.Ed. Exam Routine 2077 (Semester System) - Tribhuvan University

Exam 30 Sep 2020 15049

Tribhuvan University Building

B.Ed. and M.Ed. Exam Routine 2077 (Semester System) - Tribhuvan University:

Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Education, Office of the Dean, Examination Control Division, Balkhu, Kathmandu, Nepal Examination Notice:

This notice has been published for the information of all concerned as the Bachelor and Master level (regular and partial) semester examinations based on the semester system conducted by the Faculty of Education will be conducted as follows.

 Level, Semester, and Exam Date:

Level and Semester Exam Date
1) Master Level - Second Semester 2077 Manshir third week
2) Master Level - Fourth Semester 2077 Manshir 4th week
3) Bachelor Level - Eighth Semester 2077 Manshir 3rd week
4) Bachelor Level - First and Sixth Semester 2077 Poush first week
5) Master's Level of (2 Semesters) under Open and Distance Learning - (Science Education) - First Semester 2077 Poush 2nd Week
6) Bachelor of (2nd Semester) under Open and Distance Learning (Social Studies Education) - First Semester 2077 Poush 2nd Week

 Note: Detailed examination schedule will be published later.

Tribhuvan University (TU)

Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Estd. 1959



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