B.Sc.CSIT 7th Semester Exam Form Fill Up Notice - Tribhuvan University

Exam 20 Nov 2020 1722

Tribhuvan University Building

B.Sc.CSIT 7th Semester Exam Form Fill Up Notice - Tribhuvan University:

Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology Studies, Office of the Dean, Examination Branch, Balkhu

Notice regarding filling up of four years Bachelor in Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc.CSIT) subject fourth-year seventh semester-2073 group examination application form as per semester examination system:

According to the semester examination system conducted by Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology, Dean's Office, Examination Branch, Balkhu, the four-year Bachelor in Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc.CSIT) will be conducted in 2077 BS. And this information has been published to submit the examination application form of the partial examination of the previous group of the same year by the 10th of Poush 2077 BS.

The concerned campuses/colleges will have to verify the forms and submit them to this office by the 13th of Poush, 2077 BS.

Detailed information can be found at www.tuiost.edu.np.

Published date: 2077-08-05
