Technical Education and Vocational Training Council, Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, BhaktapurĀ Urgent notice regarding filling up of regular/partial examination application form of Diploma / Certificate level semester examination system
In CTEVT's Constituent, Partnership, Community School and Privately run educational institutions: Diploma in Engineering, Food and Dairy Technology, Information Technology, Hotel Management, and Social Works second year second semester, and third-year second semester regular and partial examinations will be operated in the Month of Chaitra / Baishakh.
The regular fee has been fixed by 2078-12-06 and the late fee has been fixed by 2078-12-13 for the candidates to submit the examination application form.
This information has been published that the concerned educational institutions are required to fill up the examination application form from the students.
In addition, this information has been published for the information of all the students of the educational institution who have not fulfilled the following conditions and have not submitted the application form within the stipulated time.
(Information published on 2078-11-20)