Fourth Licensing Examination of Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC)

Exam 18 Jul 2022 5485

Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC)

Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC), Established as per Nepal Health Practitioners Council Act, 2053), Bansbari, Kathmandu Fourth Licensing Examination Notice

According to the decision of Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) dated 24-03-2079, the name of the post-graduate (Specialization), graduate (First), and certificate level (Second) levels are going to be operated for the fourth time on 2079-06-02, 03 and 04 For registration certificate examination; Single fee (Rs. 3000/-) from 2079-04-01 to 25-04-2079 and double fee (Rs. 6000/-) from 26-04-2079 to 31-04-2079 We would like to inform you that the new examinees should register in the banks where the council has an account.

In the case of the candidates joining the re-examination, they are also informed to register in the banks having Rs. 3000/- council account and upload the voucher after filling their profile and the students who are pending in the third examination due to various reasons are also informed to contact the council in time.

Also, the examination schedule, admit card, examination center, and other information, information is published on the official website of the council and the Facebook Page: Nepal Health Professional Council.

Entrance Exam Notice