Master Degree Second Year Chance Exam Notice - Tribhuvan University

Exam 02 Sep 2019 12108

Master Degree Second Year Chance Exam Notice - Tribhuvan University

According to the annual examination system by Tribhuvan University Examination Control Office, Balkhu, the partial examinations of the humanities, education and management faculties, which offer the postgraduate level second year examination in 2076, will have full and partial examinations on their own campus and in the first year in the year 2062 in favor of the examiners. Campus Providing first-time examination for the first year in 2063, having passed the first year in 2063 and passing the first test for the first year in 2063, failing to pass the 6-year-old examination. Tri. Vs. Due to the Academic Council, the candidates of such campuses will be provided with regular fees and double custody within one week from 2070 Bhadra 17 to date 2076 Kartik 13 on 1 January 2076 from Bhadra 17th to 20th of the year. Kartik will have to fill out the examination application form by the 13th This information is published for the information of everyone.

Tribhuvan University (TU)

Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Estd. 1959



Courses Offered
