MBA, MCIS, and MHCM Program Scholarship Exam - Pokhara University

Exam 14 Nov 2020 1385

Pokhara University Notices

MBA, MCIS, and MHCM Program Scholarship Exam - Pokhara University:

Notice regarding Scholarship Examination of Master Level MBA, MCIS, and MHCM Program under Pokhara University, Faculty of Management !!

This notice has been published for the information of all regarding the scholarship examinations of MBA, MCIS, and MHCM programs conducted in the affiliated schools and affiliated colleges under the Faculty of Management, University of Pokhara.

1) Date of Examination: 9th Mangsir 2077.

2) Hours: 9am to 12pm. Having to enter the examination center safely without crowding due to covid; The entrance center will be open from 8 am. Therefore, be present in time.

3) Locations of examination centers: Pokhara and Kathmandu. Details will be announced later. . Students should be able to choose the appropriate / appropriate examination center between Pokhara and Kathmandu by clearly mentioning their roll number, name and address and sending information to by email till 2nd 2077 Mangsir.

4) The examination center of MCIS and MHCH will be in Kathmandu. Therefore, students applying for both these programs are not required to provide information by email as per point (3) above.

5) If any student has a Covid infection, advance notice should be given to this office. Written information should be provided at

6) The candidates will be informed later about the health protection methods to be followed and the procedure to be followed while conducting the examination.
