MBS, MPA, MA and M.Ed. Second Year Exam Routine 2076 - Tribhuvan University

Exam 29 Dec 2019 9407

Tu Exam Routine

According to the Annual Examination System, administered by Tribhuvan University, Examination Control Office, Balkhu, the first year examination will be completed in 2063 by entering the campus in the second year, private whole and partial and 2076 in the humanities, management (MBS, MPA) and Education. Examination candidates who have not passed the deadline yet Of even. This information is published for the information of all concerned as the examination is conducted in the following program.

Exam Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM






(New Course) BS./ G.S./Hist/ NeHca / Eco. /Geog. / HSCD. / HSFN. / Eng. / Ling / JMC. / Lib. Sc. / MAI. / NB. / Pol. Sc. / Pop. / Ptg. / Sculp. / Sans. / Hindi- 536 /, R.D. 536 "A" (Rural Mkt. and Entrepreneurship Development) / Psy. 536 1a, 2 / Nepali 536 (a) / SA.-536/ 556 Approaches to Nepali Society and Culture/ So. 506. Analysis of Nepali Society/AN. 536, Anthro. of Nepal and Himalaya

Old Course) Buddhist Studies/Eco/Eng. /Geo. /Home Science / Hindi / History / JMC/Lib. Sc. /Linguistic / Maithili/ Nepali / Nepal Bhasa/NeHca/Pol.Sc. /Pop.Studies/Psy./ Sanskrit/Socio/Anthro. -506/R.D(A) (Rural Political Economy of Nepal)

M. B. S.

(New Course) MGT. 505 Strategic Management and Business Environment

Old Course) MGT.506 Entrepreneurship Development



(New Course) PA 610 Research Methods in Public Administration II

(Old Course) DA 622 –Urban Development/HR632- Comparative perso.Admof SAARC countries /PF 642-Accounting System in Nepal


(New Course)  Eng. Ed. 524 / Math. Ed. 525 / Pop. Ed. 524 /  Geo.Ed. 524

Old Course)Ed. –Psy.505 (Meast.& Eva.in Ed.)/Eng. Ed.505(Language Testing)



(New Course) BS. / Eco. / GS. / Geog. / HSCD. / HSFN. / Eng / Ling / JMc. / Lib. Sc. / MAI. / NB. / Pol. Sc. / Psy./ R.D / Sans. / Hist. / NeHca /  Pop/Hindi / Nepali- 537 /,  S. A.-537 Human Evolution & Prehistoric Culture, SA 537 A. Socio-Stati& diff  SA 557 / 537–B Theory Method &Staf. in Socio. Research / SA 557 Qualitative Research Methods /So.507-Theory Method and Statistics in sociological Research

Old Course) Buddhist Studies/Eco/Eng. /Home Science/ Hindi / History / JMC /Lib. Sc / Linguistic / Maithili/Nepali / Nepal Bhasa/NeHca/Pol.Sc/ R.D. /Pop.Studies/Psy./Sanskrit/Socio/Anthro -507/Geog.-513 Remote Sensing & GIS/JMC-511

M.B. S.

(New Course) MGT. -506 Entrepreneurship Development

(Old Course) MGT-505 Business policy & Environment



(New Course) PA 620 Global Governance

Old Course) DA 623-Dev. Plan./HR633-Labour Policy& Adm.in Nepal / PF643-Auditing System in Nepal


(New Course) Eng. Ed. 526 / Nep. Ed. 526 / Math. Ed. 526 / H. Ed. 526 

(Old Course) Specialization I : Ed. P.M.551/ (Ed.Tech & Non –Formal Ed.) / Ed. Ce 551 (Curriculum Studies) (Spc. Paper) / Eng.Ed. 551(Semantics & Pragmatics)/Nep.Ed. 554/H.Ed.-551(MGMT.St.Supervision of School Health Programme)/ P.E-551 Mgmt.ofPhy.Ed. & Game)/Sc.Ed. 561(Ph.Chemistry)/Geo.Ed.-551(Geo.of Tourism) / His.Ed. -551(Eco. His.of Nepal) Eco.Ed. -551(Fco. of Ed. )/ Pol.Sc.Ed. 551(Politics of Nepal) Math.Ed. 551(Math.Analysis)



(New Course) BS. / Eco. / G.S. / Geog. / HSCD / HSFN. / Eng / Ling/Lib. Sc. / MAI. / Music / NB. / Pol. Sc. / Psy. / Hist. / NeHca / Pop. / Sans. / Hindi -538 / R. D. 538 (A) Rural Tourism) / Nepali 538 (a) / SA. 558 / 538 A. Social Change & Development Studies / SA 558/538B. / Sociology of Education / SA 558/538 –C. Sociology of Tourism / SA558/538 –D. Urban Sociology / SA 558/538–A  Natural Resource Management / SA 558/ 538–B Anthropology and Development / SA 538–C Qualitative Research Methods  /So508A-Social change and Dev.Studies/So.508B Sociology of Education/So.508C Sociology of Tourism/So.508D-Urban Sociology

(Old Course) Buddhist Studies/Eco./Eng. / Home Science/ Hindi / History / Lib. Sc./Linguistic / Maithili/Nepali / Nepal Bhasa/NeHca/Pol.Sc/ R.D. /Pop.Studies/Psy./ Sanskrit/508/Geog.-572(Mountain Env.)Socio/Anthro -511/(Gender Studies)

M.B. S.

(New Course) MSC 603 Management Information System / ACC 611 Profit Planning & Control / MGT 621 Small Business Management / FIN 631 Foundations of Financial Theory / MKT 641 Services Marketing Strategies

(Old Course) MGT -624 Labour Relations/MKT-644Int .Marketing /FIN – 634 Financial Institutions & Markets /MSC-606 Total  Quality Mgmt./ACC-614 Accounting Theory



(New Course)DM-621 Planning & Project Management / HRM 631 Human Resource Development  / LGD 641 Rural Development / CSG 651 Civil Society Governance and Management / PP 661 Public Policy Analysis 

(Old Course)  DA 624- Project Mgmt/ HR 634- Human Resource Dev./ PF644- Tax Adm. in Nepal


(New Course) Elective Ed. PM. 527/ Ed. PM. 528 / SJE. 529 / Ed. CE. 522 /Eng. Ed. 527 / Eng. Ed. 528 / Eng. Ed. 529 / Nep. Ed. 528 /Nep Ed.527/ Math. Ed. 527 / Env. Sc.(Chem.) 527 / H.Ed. 527 / P. Ed. 527 / Hist. Ed. 527/ Pop. Ed. 527 / Eco. 527 / Hist. Ed. 528 / Goe. Ed. 528 / Pol.Sc. Ed. 527 / P. Ed. 528/Math.Ed. 528 

(Old Course) Specialization II : Ed.PM.552/ (Mgmt .Inf. System & human res. Mgmt.) Ed.CE-552(Qualitative Evaluation research)/ Eng.Ed. 552(Applied Linguistics)/Nep. Ed.555 -k|fof]lusefifflj1fgsfk|d'vcfofd_ / H. Ed. 591(Seminar in Health Promotion) P.E.591(Evaluation in Phy.Ed.) Math.Ed 561 (Number Theory & History of Math)Sc.Ed. 590( Found.of Science Ed.) Geo.Ed. 561 (Reg.Studies with Ref.to Nepal) Hist. Ed. 552 (History of Far- East in Modern Time) Eco. Ed. 561( Int. Eco)Pol.Sc. 561(Comparative Government )



(New Course) BS. / Eco. / GS. / Geog. / HSCD / HSFN / Eng / MAI /Linguistics/ NB / Pol. Sc. / Pop. / Psy. A, B / Hist. / NeHca / Sans. / Hindi - 539 /, JMC- 539-1/ R. D  539-1, 2A, 3/ Nepali 539 1,2,3, 4,5,6/SA559/539.A South Asian Society & Culture / SA 559/ 539 (B)  Gender & Feminist Studies / SA 559/539 C. Culture Society & Health / SA 559/539 D. Rural Society & Agrarian Change/So.509A-Sociology of Gender /So.509B-Sociology of Health/So.509C-Rural Society and Agrarian Change

(Old Course) Buddhist Studies/Eco/Eng. /Home Science/ Hindi / History /  /Linguistic / Maithili/Nepali / Nepal Bhasa/NeHca/ Pol. Sc. /Pop.Studies/Psy./ Sanskrit -509/Geog.-527(Reg. Planning)/Geo-581 (Population Environment & Dev.) R.D.509 (A)(Rural Tourism)Socio/Anthro. -515/(Project Analysis Mgmt.

M.B. S.

(New Course) MSC 604 Decision Support System / ACC612 Advance Auditing / MGT 622 International Business / FIN. 632 Capital Structure Management / MKT 642 Consumer Behavior

(Old Course) ACC-613 Tax Law & Tax  Planning/ MGT 623 Organizational Dev./Fin 633 Investments/ MKT 643 Marketing Research/ MSC -605 Productivity Mgmt.



(New Course)DM 622 Study of  Human Development / HRM 632 Personnel Administration in Nepal &SAARC Countries / LGD 642 Urban Governance & Development Management / CSG 652 NGOs & Development in Nepal / PP 662 Public Policy Development & Implementation

(Old Course)  DA 621- Rural Dev. / HR-631-Personnel Adm. in Nepal/ PF641- Budgeting


(New Course) Ed. PM 524 / Ed. CE. 524 / Eng. Ed. 591 / Math. Ed. 524 / Chem. Ed. 591 / H. Ed. 524 / P. Ed. 524 / Pop. Ed. 591 / Eco. Ed. 591 / Hist. Ed. 591 / Geo.Ed. 591/ Pol. Sc. Ed. 591 / Nep.Ed. 591

(Old Course) Elective Subjects Only : Ed. P. M.-571 (Intro. to Ed. Planning)Ed.CE (Curriculum studies) 571 / Eng. Ed. 571 (Eng. Lit. &Lts. Pedagogy) / Eng.Ed 573 (Translation Theory &Practice)/ Eng.Ed. 575 (Second Language Acquisitions)/Nep Ed. 572 -efifflj1fgsfk|d'vl;4fGtx¿_  /P.Ed. 571 (Advance History of Phy. Ed.) /Math.Ed. 571 (Computer Science Ed.) / Sc.Ed. 571 (Environ. Science)/Geo.Ed.572( Pol. Geo.)/ Hist. Ed. 571( Social & Cultural His of Nepal)/ Eco.Ed. 571 (Rural dev. )Pol.Sc. Ed. 571 (Human Rights) Ed. P.M. 572 (Introduction to Edu. Mgmt.)/ SJCE 571 – (Social Justice Ed.)/ P.Ed.572 ( Sociology of Sports)/ His 572 (Introduction to History & Historiography) / HE-571 (Sexual & Repro. Health)



(New Course) BS. / Eco. / Geo. / JMC. / Lib. Sc. / Eng / Ling / MAI. / NB /Pol. Sc. / Hist./NeHca/ Hindi / Nep. / Sans.-540 / JMC-539-2

(Old Course) Buddhist Studies/Eco/Eng /Home Science/ Hindi / History / Lib. Sc/Linguistic / Maithili/Nepali / Nepal Bhasa/NeHca/Pol.Sc / Pop.Studies/ Psy./Sanskrit-510/Geo-528(Urba Geo.& Urban Planning) R.D. 510 (A) Agricultural& Rural Dev./R.D.510 B(a) Co-operative System /R.D.510 (c) (Natural resources Mgmt) Socio./Anthro-521 (Sociology of Agri.&Env.)

M.B. S.

(New Course) MSC -605 Productivity Management / ACC- 613 Tax Laws and Tax Planning / MGT- 623 Organizational Development / FIN-633 Investment Management / MKT- 643 Marketing Research

(Old Course)  MSC-603 Management Information System/ ACC-611 Profit planning & Control/MGT-621  Small Business Mgmt / FIN 631 Foundations of Financial Theory / MKT -641 Service Marketing



(New Course) PA 630 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs Management

(Old Course) PA 600- Public policy  Analysis


(New Course) Ed. PM-523 / Ed. CE. -523 / Eng. Ed. 523 / Nep. Ed. 523 / Math. Ed. 523 / H. Ed. 523 / P. Ed.- 523 / Pop. Ed. 523 / Eco. Ed. 523 / Hist. Ed. 523 / Geo. Ed. 523 / Pol. Sc. Ed. 523

(Old Course)  Specialization IV-Geo Ed. 569 ( Advance Geography Techniques II)/Eng.574 (Discourse Any.) Nep. Ed. 597-g]kfnLefiffJofs/0f_ /Math -592 (Qualitative Res. Meth. In math. Ed.)



(New Course) R.D.-536 (B) (Rural Community Development) / JMC- 539-3 / Psy. -536 1B / Nepali 536 (b)

(Old Course)  R.D.-5o6 (B) (Rural Community Development ) / Socio./ Anthro-514 (Ecological & Environmental Anthropology)


(New Course)MSC. - 606 Total Quality Management / ACC 614 Accounting Theory and Financial Reporting  / MGT 624 Labour Relations / FIN 634 Financial Institutions and Markets / MKT 644 Global  MKT

(Old Course)  MSC-502 Production & Operation Management



(New Course) PA 640 Public Finance

(Old Course) PA 610- Public Enterprise Management & Social Responsibility


(New Course)Major:Ed. PM. -522 / Ed.CE. 522 / Eng. Ed. 522 / Nep. Ed. 522 / Math. Ed. 522 / Chem. Ed. 522 / H. Ed. 522 / P. Ed. 522 / Pop. Ed. 522 / Eco. Ed. 522 / Hist. Ed. 522 / Geo. Ed. 522/ Pol. Sc. Ed. 522

(Old Course)  Specialization III- Ed. P.M 553( Fin. of Ed.) Eng. Ed 590 (Eng. Language Teaching Meth .Prac.) Nep.Ed.590-g]kfnLefiff / ;flxTolzIf0ff_/H.E. 592 (Tech. Health Ed.) P.E 592 (Curr. Dev. & Research in Phy.Ed.) / Math Ed. -590 (Recent Trends in Math. Ed.)/Sc.Ed. 591 (Teach. Chen. Ed.) /Geo.Ed.590 (Teach of Geog.)/ His. Ed. 590 (Teach. of His)/ Pol.Sc. Ed. 590 (Teach.political Science/ Eco.Ed.590 ( Teach. of Eco)



(New Course) Nepali 539-7 a,b,c,d

(Old Course)  Geog.-551 (R.D.Planning –I ) /Socio./Anthro-516 (Population Studies &Anthro.)


(New Course) FIN 635 Multinational Cooperate Finance /MKT 645 Strategic Brand Management

(Old Course)  FIN-635 Multinational Corp. Finance


M. P. A.

(New Course) PA- 650 Administrative System in Nepal

(Old Course) PA -620 International Administration


(New Course) Ed. 521/ Eng. Ed. 521

(Old Course)Math 591 Studies in Math. Edu.



(New Course) R.D. 538 (B) Rural Techno. & Skill Development / Nepali - 538 (B)  

(Old Course)  JMC-514/ JMC -515/ Geo 524 (Advance  Pop. Geo)/ Geo-532 (Environmental impact Assessment)/ RD.509(B) Rural Tech. & Skill Dev.) / Socio/ Anthro-512( Anthropology of natural Resources Management)


(New Course) FIN 636 Assets Management



(New Course) PA 660 Public Enterprise Management

(Old Course)  PA 630 Contemporary Issues in public Affairs Management


(New Course) Ed. 520 /Eng. Ed. 520 / Nep. Ed. 505/ Old Course- Eng -572




(New Course)R.D. 539 2B (Gender & Dev.) / Nepali 539- 7 e, f ,g, h

(Old Course)  Geo .561 ( Natural Resource Mgmt )Geo .582 (Gender & Dev.) / JMC-517/ RD. 510B (b ) Gender Development/ Socio/ Anthro- 513( Anthropology Dev. Process)/ Socio/ Anthro-522 ( Sociology Stratification & Differentiation)


(New Course) - MSC 502 Production & Operations Management

(Old Course)- MSC 604 Decision Support System/ACC-612 Advance Auditing/MGT-622 International Business/FIN-632 Capital Structure Mgmt.-MKT-642 Consumer Behaviour



 (New Course) Eng. Ed. 525

(Old Course) Ed.504(Res. Method)/Eng.Ed. 504(Res. Method in Lang. Ed.)/Nep.Ed

Tribhuvan University (TU)

Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Estd. 1959



Courses Offered
