M.Ed. Third Semester Exam Form Fill Up Notice - Tribhuvan University

Exam 10 Sep 2019 2840

M.Ed. Third Semester Exam Form Fill Up Notice - Tribhuvan University

Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Education, Examination Control Branch, Balkhu, Kathmandu, Nepal 

Information on filling out the application form for Master (M.Ed.) level third semester

All students who wish to join the Master third semester (regular and partial) examination based on open and distance learning and semester systems under this faculty will be contacted on their campus by 2076/06/29 to inform them of filing the examination application form.

Students who do not submit the exam application form within the stipulated time will submit the exam application form by 2076/07/04.

All campuses submitted the application form for a collection of application fee by 2076/06/20 in favor of single custody and by 2076/07/05 in the case of double custody. This notice has been published. The examination fee is Rs.1500 /- for postgraduate level (regular and partial) and for open and distance learning and ICTE fee is Rs. 2500 /- will be charged.


1. In case of transfer from a student's campus to another campus, a copy of the transfer letter will have to be attached to the examination application form.

2. The internal subject matter of the Internal Assessment must be filled in by the respective campus in the examination application form according to the serial number.

3. Examination Roll No. of Candidates in Examination Form Must be mentioned and submit the form according to the campus accordingly.

4. No action will be taken on forms that are out of date or out of date.

5. Examination schedule will be published later. 

6. The exam form can also be obtained from this office's website: www.tufoe.edu.np.

Tribhuvan University (TU)

Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Estd. 1959



Courses Offered
