M.Phil in Management Online Entrance Exam Rescheduled - Tribhuvan University

Exam 27 Sep 2020 1612

Tribhuvan University Building

M.Phil in Management Online Entrance Exam Rescheduled - Tribhuvan University:

Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management, Office of the Dean, TU Kirtipur Notice of Re-schedule the M.Phil. online entrance exam:

For the admission of M.Phil 13th batch conducted under the Faculty of Management on 2077-04-31 and on 2077-05-07, the written entrance examination for the candidates appearing in the admission call notice is said to be held on 2077-6-13. Due to this, all the concerned candidates are informed of the information to be conducted online (Zoom) from 8:00 am on 2077-06-17.

Online Entrance Date 2077-06-17 (3 October 2020)
Online Entrance Time 8:00 AM
Orientation Program Date and Time: 2077-06-15 (1 October 2020), 8:00 PM

P.S.: The orientation program related to the examination will start at 8 am on Thursday, 2077-06-15 and the link will be informed by sending it to the student's email.
