M.Sc. Physics Fourth Semester 2073 Exam Routine Revised - Tribhuvan University

Exam 11 Dec 2019 1694

Tu Exam Routine

Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology Studies, Dean's Office, Examination Branch, Balkhu.

M.Sc. Physics Fourth Semester 2073 Exam Routine Amendment Notice:

Under the semester examination system conducted by Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology Studies, Dean's Office, Examination Branch, Balkhu, M.Sc. Physics Fourth Semester 2073 Regular and the Partial Examination Date before the group is published on 2076/08/16. This information has been published for the information of all concerned as it has been amended to operate as per the following written test program.

Exam Time: From 12:00 pm

Examination Center: Will be published later on

M.SC. Second Year Fourth Semester Examination Schedule:

Exam Date

Course Title and Course No.


Particle Physics (New) - PHY651

Quantum Mechanics III (Old) - Phy651


Biomedical Physics II (New) - PHY664

Plasma Physics II (New) - PHY671

Nuclear & Particle Physics (Old) - Phy 652


Astrophysics II (New) - PHY662

Atmospheric Physics II (New) - PHY663

Condensed Matter Physics II (New) - PHY665

Plasma Physics II (Old) - Phy 665

BioMedical Physics II (Old) - Phy 666


Advanced Solid State Physics II (New) - PHY661

Solid Earth Geophysics II (New) - PHY672

Astrophysics II (Old) - Phy 668

Solid Earth Geophysics II (Old) - Phy 669


Advanced Solid State Physics II (Old) - Phy 661


  • No arrangement will be made again for the candidates who are absent in the examination as per the above Examination Program.
  • The examination will not be postponed even if there is an unexpected leave without prior notice of TR.
  • Immediately after visiting any of the subjects or papers to be tested or touched in the examination program, information in this office immediately.
  • Contact the concerned central department for the experimental examination.
  • Examine the logbook, graph paper, chart, etc. for the examination; it must be used for approval.

Notice Published Date: 2076/08/24

Tribhuvan University (TU)

Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Estd. 1959



Courses Offered
