Nepal Bank Limited Kathmandu Written Exam Center of Assistant and Gold Tester

Exam 03 Dec 2019 10408

Nepal Bank Limited Kathmandu Exam Center of Assistant and Gold Tester

Public Service Commission, Kathmandu Office, Examination Branch, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu

Written Examination Center for the post of Level-4, Assistant and Gold Tester of Nepal Bank Limited

Nepal Bank Limited's province no. This information has been published for the information of all concerned as the written examination will be conducted in the test buildings at the following date and time of the candidates who have approved the application form by keeping the Kathmandu Examination Center in accordance with the prescribed examination program for the advertisement and post as per the details of Province No.3, candidates will be included in the examination buildings other than the designated examination buildings. It is requested to arrive at the designated exam building at least one hour before the examination begins.


  • Even if unexpected and public departure occurs on the day of the examination, the examination will not be postponed without the prior notice of the Commission.
  • Only black ink should be used in the exam.
  • The examiner must, along with his / her admit card, obtain a certificate of Nepali citizenship or a copy of any certificate issued by the government of the Nepal Government to open their identity.
  • Prohibitions on carrying bags, bags, mobile phones, and other electronic devices have also been reported in the examination hall.

Nepal Bank Limited

New Road, Kathmandu

Estd. 1937



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