Nepal Nursing Council Urgent Notice

Exam 26 Nov 2020 2274

Nepal Nursing Council Urgent Notice

Nepal Nursing Council Urgent Notice:

The 25th Name Registration Examination of Nepal Nursing Council is scheduled for 2077-8-13 and all the notices related to the examination have been published.

Since the questionnaire for the nomination examination has been prepared and posted on social media by a person directly related to the council in a way that affects the candidates concerned.

The serious attention of the Examination Committee of this Council has been submitted for information in the Board meeting of the Examination and the matter has been discussed in the Board meeting. As it was decided by the board meeting on 2077-8-9 to publish a notice that no examinees would be affected by the said questionnaires posted on social media. This notice has been published for the information of all concerned.

Name Registration Examination Committee

Nepal Nursing Council

Bansbari, Kathmandu.

Nepal Nursing Council

Bansbari, Kathmandu

Estd. 1996


