Nepal Police Jawan (Technical) Written Exam Center Jaleshwor

Exam 22 Nov 2020 1985

Nepal Police Jawan (Technical) Written Exam Center Jaleshwor

Nepal Police Jawan (Technical) Written Exam Center Jaleshwor

Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office, Jaleshwor, Nepal Police has set up an examination Center for the post of Technical Police Jawan (Janapad)

According to the publication of the advertisement numbers mentioned in the details of the Nepal Police conducted by the Public Service Commission, Jaleshwor Office on behalf of the Technical Police Jawan (Janpad) on 2076-10-01, and the written examination program published on 2077-7-27.

The Written Examination of the candidates who have passed the detailed health examination conducted for the post of Technical Police Jawan (Janapad) No. 2 Province Police Office, Janakpur (Liaison Office-Rajbiraj, Saptari) as per the pre-determined examination schedule. This notice has been published for the information of all concerned as it will be operated on the following date, time, and place.

Check Here - Nepal Police Exam List

Nepal Police (Nepal Prahari)

Naxal, Kathmandu

Estd. 1955


