Nepal Telecommunication Authority Written Exam Schedule and Exam Center

Exam 24 Dec 2019 4928

Nepal Telecommunication Authority Written Exam Schedule and Exam Center

Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA) Written Exam Schedule and Exam Center:

Public Service Commission, Security Bodies and Organizational Branch, Examination Branch;

Internal Competition, Open and Inclusive Competitive Written Examination Information regarding the examination schedule

Organization: Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA)

Advertisement published Date: 2076/07/29

Written Exam Programs Published Date: 2076/09/07

As per the pre-published advertisement of the Authority, the Internal Competition of posts as follows, the program for competitive writing examination on the open and inclusive basis has been fixed as per the following: This notice has been published for the information of all concerned.


  • Candidate should only use a dot pen/pen with black ink in the answer book.
  • Since no candidate is allowed to appear in the examination without the admission letter, the admission card must be taken along with it at least 1 hour before the examination is conducted.
  • It is forbidden to carry bags, mobile phones and other electronic devices in the examination hall.
  • Even if there is an unexpected departure on the day of the examination, the scheduled program will not be postponed without the prior notice of the Commission.
  • When answering multiple-choice questions, only answers written in capital letters A, B, C, D will be recognized.
  • The examination must be accompanied by a letter issued by the concerned body along with a photo of its citizenship or government-issued photo.