Nikshep tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh Published Written Exam Result and Interview Schedule

Exam 27 Dec 2021 3548

Nikshep tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh Notice

Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund (Nikshep tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh) Notice regarding the the date and time of the interview of the following positions

Candidates with the following roll numbers and names and surnames in alphabetical order among the candidates included in the following advertisement of the written examination conducted by the Public Service Commission on 2077-11-18, 19, 20, 21, 23 and 24 for various posts of Administration Service in the Deposit and Credit Protection Fund As the interviews of the selected candidates will be conducted at the following place, date and time after passing the examination, they are informed to be present one hour before the time of interview with the certificates of Nepali citizenship and all educational qualifications.

Place to be interviewed: Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund, Central Office, Tangal, Kathmandu.

(Information published date: 2078-09-12)
