Pre-Diploma Level Registration Form Open 2077 - CTEVT

Exam 19 Jan 2021 2781

Pre-Diploma Level Registration Form Open 2077 CTEVT

Pre-Diploma Level Registration Form Open 2077 - CTEVT

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training CTEVT, Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur urgent notice to fill the pre-diploma level registration form.: 

Involved in the admission process of pre-diploma level academic session 2077/78 in CTEVT affiliated, partnership, government/community schools, and privately run educational institutions and completed the process as per the registration form details of the enrolled students; Submit the registration form to the concerned provincial offices under the council. This notice has been published for the information of all the concerned educational institutions. If the registration form is submitted within the stipulated time, all the concerned will be informed about the non-registration process later.

Only the students who have been admitted by the office on different dates for the academic session 2077/78 and have been allowed to re-enroll in the pre-diploma level entrance examination, scholarship distribution, and admission guidelines, 2077 have to fill the registration form.

(Information published date: 2077-10-06)
