Internal Competition written Exams - National Commerce Bank

Exam 10 May 2019 2299

Rastriya Banijjya Bank Internal Examination Programs Schedule

Central Office of the National Commerce Bank Limited

The most important information about conducting internal competition written exams


(Published in Gorkhapatra: 2076.01.27)

According to the information published in the Gorkhapatra daily on 2075/12/22, the internal competition written examination will be conducted on the date and time of the date and time of the relevant examination, according to the internal demand in the following posts. 


  1. Candidates must use the only pen with black ink in the answer paper. 
  1. As per the candidate without any entry without an identity card or citizenship, the candidates must be reached within an hour before the examination for a suitable copy of the certificate or citizenship certificate.
  2. Apart from the prescribed examination center, no candidate will be attached to the examination center.
  3. In the examination period, mobile phones including mobile phones and other electronic devices have been prohibited.
  4. The scheduled test program will not be postponed without prior notice of the Public Service Commission.
  5. The date of approval and disapproved candidates in the above advertisement will be kept on the bank's website on 2076/2/24.

7, The Admit Card will be automatically printed from HRIS 2076.02.26 from HRIS. 

Member Secretary, Subtitle Committee 

