Rastriya Beema Company Limited Written Exam Schedule and Exam Center

Exam 20 Dec 2019 2998

Rastriya Beema Company Limited Written Exam Schedule and Exam Center

Rastriya Beema Company Limited, Central Office

For all the information related to the date, time and date of the open examination liability test conducted by Public Service Commission, as per the request made by open advertisement in the lower tier and post, as per the published date 2076/07/22 from Rastriya Beema Company Limited. Or information has been published.


  • Candidates should use only the pen / Dot pen with black ink in the answer book.
  • When no candidate is included in the examination without the ID card, he/she must come to the Examination Hall 1 hour before the examination is conducted.
  • Mobile phones are forbidden in the examination hall.
  • Even though the unexpected departure for the day of the exam is going on, even without the prior notice of the Commission, the scheduled examination programs are postponed.
  • This information may also be found on the Public Service Commission website, www.psc.gov.np Company's website (www.psc.gov.np) and on the Company's information board.

Appointment committee

Rastriya Beema Company Limited

Rastriya Beema Company Limited

Ramshahpath, Kathmandu

Estd. 2014



Services Offered
