School can Evaluate Class 11 Students at its Convenience

Exam 20 Jun 2021 978

NEB-National Examination Board

Schools have been able to assess class 11 students at their convenience. The school will have to evaluate the students as per the procedure of operation, management, evaluation, publication of results, and verification of the class 11 examination issued by the National Examination Board last year, 2077 BS.

Member-Secretary of the National Examination Board Durga Aryal informed that the school can evaluate its suitability within the working procedure. He said that even though the procedure says that the assessment should be completed by mid-July, this year the school can assess its situation accordingly.

"Last year, almost all the students completed their studies. Therefore, the assessment time was fixed for mid-July. But that was not the case this year. So they will be able to do it till summer, 'he said. The procedure states that the school should inform the concerned office of the board about the date and time of the annual examination before conducting it.

Last year, the National Examination Board gave the school the right to evaluate class 11 students. The rules of procedure stipulate that only students who have at least 70 percent regular attendance in class 11 can take the exam, students have to register the subjects for study in class 11 with the board and the school has to prepare the question papers and answer sheets for the exam itself.

The assessment of class 11 will be done from the alphabetical system and the same subject which has been studied in class 11 will be allowed to be studied in class 12 in the working procedure.
