SEE Exam 2077 Form Fill Up Notice - NEB:
Government of Nepal, National Examination Board, Examination Control Office Class 10 (SEE), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Notice regarding filling up of exam form for inclusion in Secondary Education Examination Class-10 (SEE) to be conducted in the year 2077.
In order to be included in the SEE examination of 2077 BS, the students studying regularly in class 10 in the academic session 2077 BS, including the students studying in secondary level open and alternative schools, informal adult schools, and technical schools, have to fill the application form from 16th Poush 2077 to 21st Magh 2077. This notice has been published for the information of all concerned students, schools, local-level education branch, education development and coordination unit, national examination board branch office, and state education development directorate.