SEE Internal Evaluation Procedure to be Issued by Jestha

Exam 06 Jun 2021 2008

NEB-National Examination Board

The National Examination Board (NEB) is preparing to release the procedure for internal assessment of schools in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) within a week. The NEB is preparing to formulate procedures to make it easier for schools and teachers to conduct an internal assessment of students in a policy manner.

NEB chairperson Prof Chandra Mani Poudel said that the procedure was being discussed and would be made public within this month. In particular, it has been stated that the procedure will determine the criteria of how to give marks in the assessment of the students, what kind of structure will be in the school for this, and who will be responsible for the assessment.

The government had last year also formulated a procedure for internal evaluation of schools. He informed that the procedure will be issued this time by making some changes in the procedure. Last year's procedure was criticized for some of the teacher's assessments.

A meeting of the Council of Ministers last Monday has already made a policy decision to conduct the SEE examination through internal evaluation. The government had made such a policy change by concluding that the examination could not be conducted in the physical presence of the students as per the syllabus and specialization schedule due to corona virus infection.

Now that the procedure has been issued, the board is ready to give the school two weeks to evaluate the students. The details of the final assessment made by the school should be sent to the Education and Coordination Unit of the concerned district and after verification by the Coordination Unit, it should be sent to NEB.

NEB will update the details received from schools across the country and prepare the final exam results of the students and publish, certify and issue certificates. The NEB estimates it will take an average of 20 days to do so. Last year, the board delayed the publication of the results for a few days, citing problems with teachers' internal assessments.

The final assessment of the students studying in class 11 will be done by the school itself. The government has already given this right to the school by making a policy decision last year.

No decision has been taken regarding the class 12 examination. The government has not taken any decision in this regard even though the board has proposed to conduct the class 12 examination through alternative methods. Last year, in class 12, NEB had taken a 40-mark written test.

Apart from that, the internal assessment of the students and the results of class 11 were also considered as the basis. It is said that there is a possibility of class 12 examination from the old model even after waiting for a few months.

NEB Class 12 SEE