Skill Test Exam Application Form Open - National Skill Testing Board (NSTB)

Exam 27 Dec 2020 19776

Skill Test Exam Application Form Open - National Skill Testing Board (NSTB)


Skill Test Exam Application Form Open - National Skill Testing Board (NSTB):

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), National Skill Performance Committee (NSTB), Madhyapur Thimi 2, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Notice regarding application for skill test

According to the National Vocational Skills Certificate approved by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), National Skill Testing Board; For Nepali citizens who have reached the age of 16 or who have returned from foreign employment, who want to join the pre-learning skill test, which is being conducted at a concessional fee with the support of Vocational Education and Training Enhancement Project II (EVTNT-II), go to the skill test center This notice has been published for everyone's information.

Terms to be followed by the participant in filling the form in the skill test:

1) The application form can be downloaded from the website of the National Skills Testing Committee and the EVENT Project website and can be obtained from the designated centers.

2) The application form should be submitted to the specified center by 2077-10-12. In case of leave on the last day of submission of the application form, it can be submitted till the next day.

3) 2 recent copies of the same passport size photograph along with the application form, copies of citizenship certificate, copies of training certificate, as well as experience related to Government of Nepal, Government, or semi-government organization, or private entity/industry/business with VAT / PAN number registered with Government of Nepal. Gross certificate or letter with a clear mentioned period of working, or doing in profession/business should be submitted.

4) The concessional category includes women, Dalits, tribals, and the disabled. In the case of classes other than women, certified documents will have to be submitted by the concerned body.

5) Returning from foreign employment, the application form must be filled with skills test work experience abroad (a copy translated into English if the language is other than English), passport and a copy of the visa must be submitted.

6) Application forms that are insufficient for documents required for the skill test and have not been registered and not completed within the stipulated time will be automatically canceled.

7) If the number of approved application forms in any business is less than five in the designated skill-testing center, the skill test of that business will not be conducted.

8) The skill test schedule will be published on the website of the committee from 2077-10-22. Contact Date 2077-10-23 (Kathmandu Valley) and Date 2077-11-02 (Outside the Valley). Admission tickets can be obtained from the center where the skill test application form has been filled in person and within the day before the skill test. The skill test will be conducted from the day after the contract date.

9) Candidates will have to bring the necessary hand tools themselves in the related profession. Also, the minimum standards of personal health should be followed.

10) Candidates who have participated in the skill test before this must first mention the registration number provided by the skill test committee when participating in the skill test. Those who take the skill test by repeating it in this way will have to mark the re-test room at the top of the application form.

11) If an examinee fills the form in two professions at the same time, if the date of the skill test falls at the same time, only one skill test will be taken. Such examinee will not be refunded for changing the test date and the form

12) After the Skill Test Application Form Collection Center has collected the form and entered the form online and verified by the National Skill Testing Committee; The name and application number of the center for depositing the remaining amount after deducting Rs. 70 per application form for entry should be clearly disclosed and deposited in Rastriya Banijya Bank's account No. 1730100000183001 in the name of the National Skill Testing Committee, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.

13) The application form collected by the Skill-Testing Center should be entered online on the same day. If you need more information about this, you can contact on mobile number 9841249343.

14) In case of having JV in a certified skill-testing center, JV will collect the form of its subject and the application form of both the institutions will have to be submitted online by the lead institution.

15) For more information, please call 01-6638153, 01-6635195, 98511127080, and 9851163964. This notice can also be viewed on the National Skills Testing Committee website and the event project website

Note: In the current situation where the risk of Covid-19 persists, all concerned are requested to participate in the skill-testing process only by fully complying with the health safety standards prescribed by the Government of Nepal.

Notice Published Date: 2077-09-12
