Tribhuvan University Extended Deadline to Apply for Examination Form of Bachelor First Year

Exam 23 May 2021 2085

Tribhuvan University Building

Tribhuvan University Extended Deadline to Apply for Examination Form of Bachelor First Year:

Tribhuvan University has extended the deadline to apply for the first year examination of graduation till Jeshta 20. Due to the outbreak of the second wave of Covid-19, the first year exams have not been held for a long time.

The government has instructed to conduct the examination in July-August and TU has extended the time for the students who missed the examination application.

Students will be able to submit forms online. The online form can be filled as per the instructions received by clicking on ‘Online Form’ on the website of the TU Office of the Controller of Examinations.

The website will be closed for seven days after Jeshta 24 and the form can be filled by paying double fee from 1st to 7th of Ashad.

Tribhuvan University TU Exam