TSC Urgent Notice Regarding Teaching License Print

Exam 07 Sep 2019 11746

TSC Urgent Notice Regarding Teaching License Print

Government of Nepal, Teachers Service Commission, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.

Important information regarding printing the admit card for the teaching permit 

Application for amendment of the application form from some candidates is still scheduled on a state-by-date from 2076/05/21 to 2076/06/01. Since the date of revision of the details is coming, as per the following, this list for information of the concerned candidates Not published. 

Regarding Preview of Admit Card: Candidates' Admit Card (not currently printed) has ad number, layer, subject (excluding roll number) for Preview. As before, open the online application of the Commission's website www.tsc.gov.np and click on the button labeled 'Admit Card' and submit the application ID in your voucher. Application ID No. And password on mobile no. Entry can be previewed. 

Regarding revision of details: Some details (such as name, address, citizenship number, three-book description, photo and signature, educational qualification and training) may be corrected by the date 2076-05-25 if any difference is found in previewing the admit card. Candidates will have to log in with their User ID and Password for this. However, in order to correct the following details, we have to send in writing to the Commission. 

Documents to attach to the correction subject

  • Advertising No, Level and Subject, Bank Voucher and Certificate of Educational Qualification
  • Name and birthdate, bank voucher and citizenship certificate in English 

Regarding printing of admit card: from 2076-05-27 to 2076-05-31, to print the admit card with roll number itself.

Will be done The above-mentioned details are in favor of the candidates who could not print the details in the admit card.

Email must be sent in writing. Admit card can be printed for such candidates on 1st Ashoj, 2076.
