TSLC Chance Exam Center 2077 - CTEVT

Exam 08 Jan 2021 4402

TSLC Chance Exam Center 2077 CTEVT

TSLC Chance Exam Center 2077 - CTEVT

Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, BhaktapurĀ Urgent notice regarding designation of examination center for technical SLC level (one subject) Chance examination

For educational institutions that have received affiliation/approval from the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) and have conducted technical education programs in the council's affiliates, community schools, and at TSLC at the private level; In accordance with Rule 3B (4) of the Examination Regulations, 2071;

Among the regular candidates who appeared in the annual regular and final examinations conducted in 2076 BS; Theoretical and experimental side only one subject failed and partial examinees; According to the information published in Gorkhapatra Rashtriya Dainik dated 2077-08-19 of this office for chance examination of one subject;

As per the decision of the concerned council, the provincial office for the trainees who have duly submitted the examination application form; The procedure prescribed for the technical SLC level (one subject) opportunity examination to be conducted on 2077-10-03 is as follows; This information has been published for the information of all concerned.

Date of conducting the examination: Saturday, 2073-10-3
First Sift Morning: 8 p.m.
Second Sift: 2:00 p.m.

(Information published on 2077-09-24)
