TSLC Exam Form Fill Up Notice (Regular and Partial) - CTEVT

Exam 08 Sep 2019 2173

TSLC Exam Form Fill Up Notice (Regular and Partial) - CTEVT

Technical Education and Vocational Training Council, Office of Examination (CTEVT), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Technical SLC Necessary information on filling the examination, application form in the level (15 + 3) program

(Date published: 2076/05/22)

All the educational institutions conducting training programs on various subjects, such as the council's partial and general secondary schools (TECS) program, obtained affiliation/approval from this council, to join the examinations for regular and aspiring trainees to be conducted in Kartik / Manshir month 2076. Fill in the application form details an appropriate number. 14 within the date specified and the terms of the statement no. This notice has been published for the information of all the educational institutions and trainees concerned to submit the application form along with the application form, as per the mentioned in the application form mentioned in the 5. Trainees who do not meet the stipulation criteria and submit the form within the stipulated time are also notified of inconsistent practice.
