TU Service Commission Associate Professor Interview Programs

Exam 16 Dec 2020 2988

TU Service Commission Associate Professor Interview Programs

TU Service Commission Associate Professor Interview Programs:

Tribhuvan University Service Commission Office, Kirtipur Notice regarding the interview of the post of Associate Professor and publication of the list of works

Regarding filling the post of Associate Professor through the open advertisement of various advertisement numbers and subjects published by the Office of Tribhuvan University Service Commission in the fiscal year 2075/076; All concerned are informed that the interview of the candidates selected for the interview will be conducted in the office of the Service Commission in Kirtipur from the 19th of Poush, 2077 BS.

The detailed schedule of the subject and post to be interviewed will be published on the Service Commission's website www.tuservicecommission.edu.np and information board respectively.

On the day of the interview, the candidates should appear before the Service Commission one hour before the time of the interview, along with the original copy of the certificates and the admission card.

During the interview, the candidate will have to give a presentation of maximum five minutes focusing on his / her introduction as well as the post and subject applied.

The list of research and other works submitted by the candidates along with the application form has been published on the website of the Service Commission for the information of all.

If there is any objection or complaint against the investigative and other works submitted by the candidates, all concerned are informed to submit a written application during office hours within 7 days from the date of publication of the notice in the office of the Evidence Service Commission.

The evaluation process will be taken forward only after the expert committee is convinced whether the works submitted by the candidates are eligible for evaluation after considering the complaints received before, and what category the submitted journals belong to.

If any candidate is found to have lied about his / her work, experience, educational qualification, age, citizenship, etc. for the purpose of getting admission in the university service, such candidate will not be included in the interview and his / her application form will also be canceled.

If any candidate wants to remove the works and other certificates submitted by him from the application, a written application can be submitted to the Service Commission during office hours within 7 days from the date of publication of the notice.
