CTEVT Postponed the Regular Services

News 19 Oct 2020 2071

CTEVT Building

CTEVT Postponed the Regular Services:

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Controller Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Urgent notice for Postponed the services

The decision of the Council of Ministers of the Government of Nepal dated 2077-06-26 to postpone any service or work in the district or any part of the Kathmandu Valley where the rate of transmission of Covid-19 has been increasing rapidly and more than 500 actively infected. District Administration Office, Bhaktapur has made public the letter of postponing the services (from 2077-07-02) other than essential services.

Due to the high risk of infection among the service recipients due to overcrowding in the office as some of the employees of this office are also infected. This notice has been published for the information of all concerned regarding the suspension of all the services provided by this office from 2077-07-03 until further notice.

This office apologizes for the inconvenience caused to the service recipients when the service flow is disrupted.

(Notice published on 2077-07-02)
