Expression of Interest for Sakchyamta Project - CTEVT

News 28 Aug 2018 1959

Expression of Interest for Sakchyamta Project - CTEVT

1. The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) has received grant assistance from the European Union toward the cost of Sakchyamta Project and intends to apply a portion of this grant to eligible payments under the Contract for which this Expression of Interest is invited for consulting services of individual consultant as follows: 


Name      of Consulting Service

Contract ID

Duration of Service


Curriculum Development Specialist (National)

[SAKCHYAMTA: CAJ2017/386809]-04

365  Person days of Intermittent Input


Human Resources Development Specialist (National)

[SAKCHYAMTA: CA/2017/386809]-05

365 Person days of Intermittent Input

The CTEVT now invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from eligible individual consultants ("consultant") to provide the following consulting services as mentioned in TOR.

  1. Interested eligible consultants may obtain further information and EOI
    document free of cost at the address mentioned below during office hours on or before 11th September 2018 or visit e-GP system or visit the client's website
  2. Expressions of interest shall be delivered online through e-GP system
  3. In case the last date of obtaining and submission of the EOI documents
    happens to be a holiday, the next working day will be deemed as the due date but the time will be the same as stipulated.
  4. EOI will be assessed based on Qualification(20%JandExperience[80%] of the Based on the evaluation of EOI, only shortlisted consultants will be invited to submit a technical and financial proposal through a request for proposal.
  5. Minimum score to pass the EOI is
  6. Sakchyamta Project deserves the rights to accept or reject any proposal
    without giving any reasons.

For further information please contact:

The Project Coordinator


Project Implementation Unit, CTEVT Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Telephone No. 977-1-6630408, 9851115744

Website: I Email:
