New Arrangements for Employee Pension and Age Limit will be Implemented

News 15 Nov 2019 6079

Government Employee

The mandatory retirement age of a civil servant to be appointed after the Federal Civil Service Act is enforced is now 60 years. The state law and good governance committee of the House of Representatives have raised the age limit by agreeing to the subcommittee's report. Prior to this, the mandatory retirement age was 58 years. The committee's debate on the bill continues.

In the case of the existing staff, however, there is agreement on the basis of the date of birth to maintain the retirement age limit. According to Sanjay Dahal, secretary of the committee, the committee agreed on Thursday for the provision of retirement age limit, pension.

If the report passed by the committee is passed by the House, the retirement age of the newly appointed employee will be 60 years and in the case of the current employee, the tenure will be extended for six / six months. As per the agreement, the service period for the employees who are in service with the birth date of the 2018 BS will be 58 years 6 months. Similarly, in the case of 2019 BS birthdate employee will be 59 years.

Similarly, in case of 2020 BS date of birth employee, the age limit of 59 years 6 months will be maintained. By 2021 BS, the employee's retirement age limit will be 60 years. After the implementation of the Federal Civil Service Act, the 60-year limit will be maintained in the case of the appointed employee.

The bill has agreed to give priority to remote access in terms of promotion. Experience working in a geographical area has been set to 60 points. Employees who work in remote areas will get four points per year. According to the consensus, the training marks will not be added during promotion.

Depending on the consent of the Committee, the dependent family will receive relief assistance of Rs.5 Lakh in case of the death of the reinstated employee. Employees will not receive a pension if convicted by a court of criminal wrongdoing, including corruption, property cleansing, and moral fall.

There has also been agreement on the provision of non-payment of pension, even if guilty of polygamy. Likewise, employees who obtain a permanent residence permit in a foreign country will not receive a pension.

Employees have to be careful about social media usage. According to the agreement agreed to protect the privacy, the pension can be stopped even if there is a crime against national integrity and the state through social media.  - from Gorkhapatradaily
