President Educational Reform Program Call for Project Proposals:
Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Center for Education and Human Resource Development, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Urgent Notice on Submission of Project Proposal for Presidential Educational Reform Program
As provided in the Presidential Educational Improvement Program Implementation Procedure, 2076, approved by the Government of Nepal (Council of Ministers); From the meeting of the Board of Directors chaired by the Hon'ble Minister of Education, Science, and Technology on 2077-10-04, under the Presidential Educational Reform Program for the current Fiscal Year 2077/078 BS As it was decided to publish a public notice within 15 days; This notice has been published to submit the proposal in the prescribed format as per the following priority areas and conditions.
Priority areas for proposal:
1) Physical Prerequisite Development and Restructuring Increase student learning achievement level
3) Innovative technology, innovation, and management of learning materials for quality education
4) Increase access to technical and vocational education
Specified Conditions Restrictions:
- The school will have to prepare the project proposal in the prescribed format.
- The school will have to demand the project proposal on the basis of need so that there is no delay.
- While soliciting proposals, a maximum of Rs. 2.5 million can be solicited for one or more projects.
- The demanded project proposal should be such that it can be implemented within the current fiscal year 2077/078.
Proposal Submission Procedure:
1) The project proposal prepared by the community school willing to submit the proposal in the prescribed format will be decided by the school management committee and the file prepared along with the documents including the decision copy will be submitted to the local level by 2077-10-15.
2) The proposals received from the schools at the local level will be prioritized by the concerned local level and the Electronic copy and Hard Copy File with Excel Sheet prepared in font Mangal and Font Size 10 in the following format will be submitted to the concerned Education Development and Coordination Post by 2077-10-18.
3) The Education Development and Coordination Unit has prioritized the schools at the local level so that the order of the schools prioritized by the local level does not deteriorate and the schools of the same level remain in one place keeping in view the needs received from the proposals received from the local levels. Both the editable Excel Sheet and the certified pdf copy should be sent to the email address of Education and Human Resource Development Center, Sanothimi Bhaktapur at by 2077-10-20.
4) The Education Development and Coordination Unit should keep the certified Excel Sheet and the received proposals in a separate file for each school and send it to the center by 2077 end of the month of Magh.
Documents to be submitted with the proposal:
1) Project proposal prepared by the school in the prescribed format
2) Certified copy of the decision of the school management committee
3) Local level recommendation letter with the priority order of the school and the assurance of no duplication of program
4) Letter of recommendation from the concerned Education Development and Coordination Unit including local level prioritization
5) Copy of Cost Estimate, Drawing Design and real estate in case of physical construction
1) The format prescribed for the project proposal can be downloaded from the website of the Center for Education and Human Resource Development
2) No action will be taken on the proposals which have been received late and have not reached the due date.
3) Only the proposals sent by the Education Development and Coordination Unit after verification as mentioned above will be accepted.
Date: 2077-10-06