Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) Written Exam Result of Various Positions

Result 12 Nov 2022 7217

Agricultural Development Bank Limited Building

Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) Written Exam Result of Various Positions: Agricultural Development Bank Ltd., Human Resources Management Department (ADBL) Notice regarding the publication of results of open and inclusive competitive written examination

According to the notice published on 2077-10-09 for filling the vacant posts through open and inclusive competitive examination in accordance with the approved staff positions in the annual budget and program of the Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) for the financial year 2076/077 and the financial year 2077/078; Public Service Commission, Security Agencies and Organized Organizations Division, Public Service Commission, Security Agencies and Organized Organizations Division, Date of Publication of Written Exam Results Branch, Regarding the candidates with the following roll numbers and surnames in alphabetical order from among the candidates who participated in the written examination conducted by the Public Service Commission in the following advertisement numbers and positions, they passed and were selected for the interview. Being informed by the letter of 23; A notice has been published for the information of all concerned.

Candidates who have been selected for the interview, when they come to attend the interview, they must bring the admit card of the exam, the citizenship and the candidates who have been successful in the Samabeshi group, the proof of the Samabeshi group verification, the complete documents of all educational qualifications and a copy of these documents attested by a notary public, 30 days before the scheduled time for the interview. Must be present minutes before.

The interview will be conducted at the head office of Krishi Bikas Bank Ltd., Ramshahpath on the following date and time. Even if there is a public holiday on the day of the interview, the interview program will continue as usual.


Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL)

Ramshahapath, Kathmandu

Estd. 1968


