Employees Provident Fund Notice for Final Result and Appointment

Result 02 Jul 2020 4817

Employees Provident Fund Notice for Final Result and Appointment

Employees Provident Fund Notice for Final Result and Appointment:

Employees Provident Fund (Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh), Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Notice to contact for an appointment

(Notice published in Gorkhapatra: 2077-03-18)

According to the following advertisement of the Employees' Provident Fund, the following roll no. This notice has been published to contact the Department of Human Resources and Internal Management of the Fund, Pulchowk, Lalitpur for an appointment with the certificate of health within 15 days from the date of publication of the notice in Gorkhapatra as the candidates of Namthar have been recommended for appointment. If you do not come to contact within that date, the name will be removed from the qualification list and the candidate on the waiting list will be appointed.

(A) Ad No. 22-075 / 76 (Open)

Designation: Deputy Manager (Chartered Accountant)

Level: 7

Service: Administration

Number of posts: 2

Key Candidates:

B) Ad No. 22-075 / 76 (Women)

Designation: Deputy Manager (Chartered Accountant)

Level: 7

Service: Administration

Number of posts: 1

Services Offered
