Buddha Bhumi Nepal Hydropower IPO Result - How to Check

Result 08 Oct 2021 7095

Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower Limited IPO

Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower Limited IPO result published on 22nd Ashoj 2078 ( 8th October 2021). The IPO Sales and Issue manager Civil Capital Limited issued an announcement for the allotment of IPO.

Buddha Bhumi Nepal issued a total of 800,000 units of ordinary shares worth Rs 80 million to the general public from 2078 Ashoj 11 to 14. Of that, 2 percent or 16,000 units of shares allotted for employees and 5 percent or 40,000 units of shares allotted for mutual investment funds, and the remaining 744,000 units of shares allotted to the general public.

According to the latest statistics, 21,11,819 applicants have applied for the purchase of 26503140 units of shares in the IPO of Buddha Bhumi Nepal (BNHCL). 

As there are more applications than demand, the shares are allotted at the rate of a minimum of 10 units as per the IPO Issuance and allotment Directive. Accordingly, out of the eligible applicants, only 74,400 applicants received 10 units of shares each.

Accordingly, out of the total applicants, 96 pc or more than 2 million 37 thousand empty-handed. This IPO of the BNHCL has been given ICRA NP Issuer rating double B minus grading by ICRA Nepal Limited indicating weak bases.

Before issuing the IPO to the public, the BNHCL had sold the IPO to the locals of the project-affected Nuwakot district from Shrawan 32 to Bhadara 15 and distributed it on Bhadra 31. The company has received permission to issue 1.2 million ordinary shares with a face value of Rs 100 per share to the public, including locals.

How to Check IPO Result of Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower (BNHCL):

Learn How to Check IPO result /allotment in Nepal. Learn the fastest and easiest way to check all companies' IPO results in Nepal. Follow a few steps to check an IPO result.

You have to follow the following instructions to check the IPO result of Buddha Bhumi Nepal Hydropower (BNHCL)from the MeroShare (CDSC) website: iporesult.cdsc.com.np

Step 1: Log on to www.iporesult.cdsc.com.np

Step 2: You will view this type of interface on your device.

Step 3: Type your 16-digit BOID Number (Beneficial Owner Identification Number)

Step 4: Click on View Result Tab. 

Finally, you will get the result message on the interface.

(Note: The IPO result will be shown after the share allotment and upload data on the server, it will take few hours after the announcement)

Other Ways to Check IPO Result of Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower:

1. MeroShare Official Website: https://www.meroshare.cdsc.com.np

2. Civil Capital Limited - Civil Capital IPO result (IPO Result on Civil Capital) Website: https://www.civilcapitalmarket.com/ipo

(Please select company name and provide DEMAT No. to view IPO result Select Company name and Type DEMAT Number /BOID Number)

IPO Detail Statement:

The IPO Issuing Company Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower Limited (BNHCL)
Issue Manager Civil Capital Limited
Security Type Common Stock -IPO
IPO Issued Date 2078 Ashoj 11 to 14
IPO Face Value Rs. 100
Total IPO Share 8,00,000 units
The share allocated for Mutual Investment (5%) 40,000 units
The Share allocated for employees (2%) 16,000 units
Total Share for Individual Investor (General Public = 93%) 7,44,000 units
Total Applicants 21,11,819
Total Applied Units 2,6,503,140 units
Total Allotted Kitta 7,44,000 Kitta
Total Allottee 74,400 applicants
IPO IPO Result