Lok Sewa Aayog Butwal Written Exam Result of Kharidar

Result 24 Mar 2023 8233

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Lok Sewa Aayog Butwal Written Exam Result of Kharidar:

Among the candidates appearing in the written examination as per the advertisement published by the Public Service Commission, Butwal Office, the candidates with the following roll numbers and names in alphabetical order have passed and have been selected for the computer skill test and interview. This notice is published for the information of all concerned.

Selected candidates should submit 2/2 copies of Nepali citizenship certificate, certificate of minimum educational qualification, 2/2 copies of necessary documents, 2 copies of passport size photo, 2 copies of first page and 1 copy of second page of the application form to the relevant office.

In addition, on the date, time and place of the computer skill test and interview, one hour before the scheduled time, you have to appear with the admit card. Even if there is a public holiday on the day of computer skill test and interview, the program will continue as usual.

Service, Group: Integrated

Position: Kharidar or equivalent

Category: Non-Gazetted Second Class

Date of Conducting Written Examination: 2079/08/23 and 24

Office of Result Publication: Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Result Kharidar Kharidar Result Butwal

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


