Lok Sewa Aayog Dipayal Kharidar Post Written Exam Result

Result 04 Sep 2022 3269

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Lok Sewa Aayog Dipayal Kharidar Post Written Exam Result: Public Service Commission, Dipayal Office Advertisement No. 15710-15715/076-077 (Open and Inclusive), Non-Gazetted Second Class (Non-Technical), Kharidar or similar post for the number of posts mentioned in the details dated 28-11-2077 Out of the total 491 candidates who passed the stage examination and participated in the second stage written examination conducted on 2078-4-16.

Since it has been decided to select the candidates with the following roll numbers and names in alphabetical order based on the aggregate score of the first stage and second stage examinations for the computer skill test and interview conducted at the Public Service Commission, Dipayal Office Depyal on the following date and time; This notice is published for the information of all concerned.

Candidates who have been selected should bring 2 copies of their recent passport size photographs, 2 copies of Nepali citizenship certificate with originals, 2/2 copies of minimum educational qualification certificates, 2 copies of the first page of the application form, and 2 copies of their recent passport size photographs when appearing for the computer skill test. The third page should be filled in 1 copy of the admit card and should be present at the interview office 1 (one) hour before the appointed day. It has also been informed through this notice.

Service:- Combined and Integrated

Group:- Various Posts:- Kharidar or similar

Category/Level:- Non-Gazetted II

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Result Kharidar Kharidar Result Dipayal

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


