Lok Sewa Aayog Kharidar Result 2076 Bhadra 16

Result 02 Sep 2019 8105

Lok Sewa Aayog Kharidar Result 2076 Bhadra 16

Information on Public Service Commission, Dhankuta Office, Dhankuta, Results of Written Examination

Suggestion no. 18 / 076-77 Public Service Commission, Pokhara Office, Pokhara 12856 / 075-76 (Internal Competition), Nepal Justice Service, Justice Group, Rpt. Roll number, named in the following order, among the six candidates who joined the Pokhara Examination Center in the Competitive Written Examination, conducted on 2076/03/03 and 2076/03/04, for the second grade (non-legal), buyer or post-like status. , The candidates have been selected for the interview conducted in the Pokhara office, Pokhara, at the date and time of the following candidates. Cole all information related to this notice has been published. For publication of this information, the selected candidates should take photo 2 copy of their passport size, certificate of Nepalese citizenship and certificate of educational qualification along with a copy of 2/2 copy and admission letter for attendance 1 (one) hour before the specified day. Has been

Service: Justice

Group: Justice

Designation: Kharidar or Same Category:

Office of Publication Result: Public Service Commission, Dhankuta Office, Dhankuta.

Date: 2076-05-16

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


