Lok Sewa Aayog Published Local Level Written Exam Result of 5th Level Khotang

Result 04 Nov 2019 3506

Lok Sewa Aayog Published Local Level Written Exam Result of 5th Level Khotang

Notice of Result of Written Examination.

Public Service Commission, Khotang Office, Khotang 10958-10960 / 075-76 (Open / Inclusive), Level 5, Assistant (Unofficial) For the requisite designation mentioned in the post, the date of 2076, on the date of 2076/05/08, a total of 227 candidates have joined the Khotang Examination Center for the competitive written examination. Roll number, name, alphabetical order of the following are mentioned in alphabetical order: This information has been published for the information of all concerned as it is decided to opt for conducting computer skills test and interview. 

When selected candidates arrive for the Computer Skill Test Examination, admission letter and photo 2 copy of their passport size, copy of 2/2 copy of Nepalese citizenship certificate and original certificate of educational qualification, and one hour before the date and time before admission, will be rejected. Must attend mandatory office. If the public goes on holiday on the day of skill testing and interviewing, the program will continue as it is.

Services, Groups: - Administration, General Administration, Accounting

Post: - Assistant, Accounting Assistant / Accountant, Internal Auditing Assistant

Level - Fifth

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


