Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy and Notices 2077 Jeshta 28

Result 10 Jun 2020 15110

Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy and Notices 2077 Jestha 28

Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy and Notices 2077 Jeshta 28:

Gazetted First Class, Nepal Agricultural Service, Livestock Poultry, and Dairy Development Group, Under Secretary or similar promotion and advertisement notice of internal competition.

Notice No. 600 / 076-75 and No. 600 / 076-77

As per the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of Resolution 2076-9-8, applications have been invited from the qualified candidates as the following posts of Agriculture Service, Under Secretary or similar posts have to be increased and filled through competitive examination.

Seniority and performance appraisal; Topics to consider when applying for promotion and performance promotion:

(A) Must not be ineligible for promotion as per Section 22 of the Civil Service Act, 2049 BS.

(B) In addition to the application form, it is mandatory to mention the code number received from the public library.

(C) In case of educational qualification to be determined for equivalence, a certified copy of equivalent determination must be submitted.

(D) The details as mentioned in all the palaces of the application form shall be clearly disclosed.

(Ii) As per the Employees Adjustment Act, 2075 BS, the employees who have been adjusted at the union, state, and local level have become potential candidates for promotion to a post or rank above the existing service/group / sub-group as per sub-section 4 of section 14 of the same act.

(F) For promotion through seniority and performance appraisal, there should be a potential candidate as per Article 24 D 1A of the Civil Service Act, 2049 (Fourth Amendment). In addition, a copy of the certificate of in-service training of one month or more in the subject related to the service, group, or sub-group in the post below one category should be submitted.

(G) In order to be promoted through performance appraisal, one should be a potential candidate for promotion by mid-July 2076 BS by obtaining minimum educational qualification and training as per Article 21 of Civil Service Act, 2049 BS, and Rule 74 (2) of Civil Service Rules, 2050 BS. Evaluation of performance as per Section 24A, 24B, 24C, and 24D of the Civil Service Act, 2049, seniority, work experience in the geographical field, evaluation of educational qualifications and training will be calculated as per Section 24 of the Civil Service Act, 2049. In the case of women, Adivasi / Janajati, Madhesi, Dalit, disabled and backward candidates, it will be as per sub-section (2) of section 21 of the Civil Service Act, 2049 BS. If the service period is as per Rule 123 of the Civil Service Rules, 2050, it should be certified.

(H) After downloading the application form from the website of Public Service Commission www.psc.gov.np, the concerned candidate should fill one copy of the application form clearly and submit it to the application management center in case of Kathmandu Valley, Anamnagar and outside Kathmandu Valley office by 2077-03-30. Will have to No action will be taken on the application received for overdue.

(I)The application fee is Rs. 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) will have to be paid.

Topics to be considered by the candidates for the internal competition when applying:

(A) Must have completed 5 years of permanent service in the Gazetted Second Class post of the concerned service but in case of women, Adibasi / Janajati, Madhesi, Dalit, disabled, and civil servants residing permanently in the backward areas, the service period shall be less than 1 year.

(B) Must have the prescribed educational qualification for admission in the Gazetted Third Class post of the service related to the advertised post.

(C) Candidates who have reached the prescribed minimum qualification shall apply through the online application system of the Commission sconline.psc.gov.np by 2077 / -3-16 and by paying double fee till 2077-03-23.

(D) The application fee is Rs. 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) will have to be submitted.

(E) After submitting the application online, the candidate has to pay a double fee along with the voucher with a Master ID and transaction code number. Fees / Double Fees Amount through ConnectIPS System or National Commercial Bank / Global IME Bank / NIC You must be able to submit to any of the banks in Asia Bank that suits you.

(F) The candidate shall upload the documents specified in the advertisement including educational qualification, training, experience, business permit certificate, inclusive group opening the document in the specified place of the online application system in PDF format. All candidates must scan the front of their citizenship certificate and upload it in JPEG format. The candidate himself should be fully accountable for the details mentioned in the application.

(G) The written examination program will be published later.

Interview Notice, Written Exam Results Publication Branch:

This notice has been published for the information of all the candidates who have been selected for the interview by passing the written examination in the following advertisement of the Public Service Commission, Central Office, Anamnagar.

Candidates selected for the interview should submit 2 copies of passport size photo, the complete minimum required qualification certificate and other required documents and 2 copies of the first and third sheet of the application form to the Commission's Application Management Center within 7 (seven) days from the date of publication of this notice. The copy will have to be certified and verified by the candidate himself.

If the required minimum qualifications and other required documents are not reached, the application will remain at any time. The selected candidates are required to be present at the Interview and Recommendation Branch of the Commission 1 (one) hour in advance. Even if there is a public holiday on the day of the interview, the program will continue.

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


