Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result of Engineer

Result 18 Jun 2023 8844

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Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Result of Engineer: Public Service Commission's Notice for Successful Engineering Candidates

The Public Service Commission, Central Office, has published a new notification, No. 17254-17260/079-80, aimed at successful candidates in the recent Engineering Service, Civil Group examination. This group covers specialties including General, Highway, Sanitary, Irrigation, and Hydropower.

This post details the steps for candidates who have passed the written exam and are moving on to the group test and interview stage for the position of Engineer. This position falls within the Gazetted Third Class category.

Key Instructions for Successful Candidates

  • Each candidate is required to submit two passport-size photographs, all relevant certificates, and other necessary documents. These include copies of the first and second pages of their application forms.
  • Candidates should submit their documents to the Application Management Center Anamnagar, within seven days from the date of this notice's publication.
  • It's crucial for all documents to be verified by the candidates before submission. Any failure to submit the minimum qualifications or necessary documents can result in the application's cancellation.
  • On the day of their interview, selected candidates are required to report to the Interview and Recommendation Branch of the Commission an hour early, carrying their complete documents and admit card.

The written examination was conducted on the dates of 2079 Magh 13 and 14. The results have been published by the Public Service Commission, Central Office.

Special Note for Candidates with Roll Numbers 871072, 450149, and 871370

The candidates with roll numbers 871072, 450149, and 871370 are hereby informed that due to specific irregularities, their answer books have been cancelled. The candidate with roll number 871072 engaged in double writing, whereas the candidates with roll numbers 450149 and 871370 did not include the key in their objective answer book.

For any additional information or queries, candidates are encouraged to contact the Public Service Commission, Central Office.

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Result Notice Written Exam Result

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


