Lower Secondary Level Social Study Contract Teachers Merit List - TSC

Result 28 Nov 2019 8807

Lower Secondary Level Social Study Contract Teachers Merit List - TSC

Government of Nepal, Teachers Service Commission (Shikshak Sewa Aayog), Sanothimi Bhaktapur has published the Lower Secondary level Social Study Subject Contract Merit List 2076 Notice

According to the decision of Teacher Service Commission (TSC), Sanothimi Bhaktapur for the purpose of appointing the contract teacher in accordance with Rule 24 of the Teachers Service Commission Rules, 2057, the names of the following candidates, which are not recommended for permanent appointment as per the advertisement published for the vacancy of vacant teacher in the community schools, have been published by the open competition examination from the Teacher Services Commission. The Commission can be contacted if any details on this list differ.

Subject: Social Study

Level: Lower Secondary Level

Purbanchal, Madhyamanchal, Paschimanchal, Madhyapaschimanchal, and Sudur Paschimanchal

PDF Link:


Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2002


