National Judicial Academy (Rastriya Nyayik Pratisthan) Final Result of Various Positions

Result 25 Sep 2021 1809

National Judicial Academy (Rastriya Nyayik Pratisthan) Final Result of Various Positions

National Judicial Academy, Vacancy Committee, Tarkeshwar-10, Manmaiju, Kathmandu Final result publication, recommendation, and appointment of various positions.

For the posts as per the following advertisement no. Published to fill the permanent posts by open competitive examination of the National Judicial Institute; Since the following candidates who got the highest marks from the candidates who appeared in the Information Technology Skill Test and Interview Examination from the Written and Recruitment Committee from the Public Service Commission have been selected for appointment; This information has been published for the information of all concerned.

Candidates recommended for appointment are advised to attend the establishment on 2078-06-18 with a certificate of health.

Vacancy Committee, National Judicial Academy

Tarkeshwar-10, Mansaiju, Kathmandu, Phone no. 01-4027444
