Only 6 pc Passed on Primary Level Teaching License Exam 2076

Result 18 Jun 2020 4557

TSC Primary Level Teaching Licensing Result 2076

Only 6 pc Passed on Primary Level Teaching License Exam 2076:

The results of the primary level license made public by the Teachers Service Commission on Wednesday. According to the published results of the examination conducted by the commission last September, out of 66,567 participants, only 3,882 have passed the examination. This is a total of 5.83 pc.

1 सुदुर-पश्चिम प्रदेशको प्राथमिक तह अध्यापन अनुमतिपत्रको नतिजा
2 कर्णाली प्रदेशको प्राथमिक तह अध्यापन अनुमतिपत्रको नतिजा
3 प्रदेश न ५ को प्राथमिक तह अध्यापन अनुमतिपत्रको नतिजा
4 गण्डकी प्रदेशको प्राथमिक तह अध्यापन अनुमतिपत्रको नतिजा
5 बागमती प्रदेशको प्राथमिक तह अध्यापन अनुमतिपत्रको नतिजा
6 प्रदेश न २ को प्राथमिक तह अध्यापन अनुमतिपत्रको नतिजा
7 प्रदेश न १ को प्राथमिक तह अध्यापन अनुमतिपत्रको नतिजा

According to a commission source, more than 5,000 candidates did not write anything in the answer script. According to the commission, only 903 out of 9,811 participants from Province 1 have passed the examination. Similarly, 349 out of 10,689 participants from Province 2, 660 out of 8,048 participants from Bagmati, and 7,132 participants from Gandaki have passed only 521. Similarly, 827 out of 11,131 participants from five states, 370 out of 12,070 from Karnali, and only 252 out of 7,681 participants from the Sudurpaschim have passed the examination, according to the commission.

Teachers Service Commission, Nepal
Primary Level Teaching License Result
Pradesh Participants Passed Passed %
Pradesh 1 9811 903 9.20
Pradesh 2 10689 349 3.27
Bagmati Pradesh 8048 660 8.20
Gandaki Pradesh 7132 521 7.31
Pradesh 5 11131 827 7.43
Karnali Pradesh 12070 370 3.07
Sudurpaschim Pradesh 7681 252 3.28
Total 66562 3882 5.96