PCL, Diploma Level Classified (Free) Scholarship Result - Lumbini Pradesh

Result 09 Nov 2020 7779

CTEVT PCL, Diploma Level Classified (Free) Scholarship Result - Lumbini Pradesh

PCL, Diploma Level Classified (Free) Scholarship Result - Lumbini Pradesh:

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Lumbini Pradesh, Butwal, Rupendehi Urgent Notice regarding the publication of results of trainees who have filled the long application form for Diploma and PCL level Classified (Free) Scholarship:

Diploma and certificate level educational programs conducted by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) approved by the Council in the academic year 2077/078. "Diploma Certificate Level Entrance Examination Operation, Scholarship Distribution and Admission Guidelines 2074 (Third Amendment)" issued by the Examination Control Office from affiliated, partnership, Community School Technical Education (TECS) programs, and private level educational institutions And as per the information regarding filling up of application form for Diploma and Certificate Level Classified (Free) Scholarship in the academic session 2077/07 on 2077-05-26 and 2077-06-19; This notice has been published for the information of all concerned regarding the results of the trainees who have filled the application form in various subjects.

The main successful trainees have to be enrolled in the recommended educational institution by 2077-08-08 with their educational qualification, citizenship or birth certificate, gross certificates of the selected target group and permission letter obtained by filling online form.
Relevant educational institutions are requested to verify the certificates submitted by the trainees as mentioned in the guidelines and notices based on this information.

Also if the trainees do not come for admission within the stipulated date and any seat is vacant; Mentioning the name of the trainee who did not come for admission, permission number, target group, and vacant quota. Within 3 days of the expiration of the admission deadline, please send a letter to the CTEVT Province Office's email address: ctevtprovince5@gmail.com and send it to the Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.

Results are requested on the website of the Council Office: www.ctevt.org.np and on the website of the Council Lumbini Province: www.ctevtp5.org.np.

First published on 2077-07-24

Download Result:

Diploma/ PCL Classified Scholarship Entrance Result 2077 (Lumbini Province).Zip
